Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Studies show. . . .

So there isn't much to say on the actual gardening front.  Okay, maybe one thing.  I was thinking this evening how excited I am to meet with a couple people to discuss the project and what to do from here, and figured out that the anticipation is as much about the garden as a chance to get to know people and form new friendships.  I firmly believe that this happens when people share experiences and work together and this garden is going to facilitate just that.  It was one of those, whoa-this-has-so-much-potential-I-can't-wait-to-see-how-it-turns-out moments.

As if that thought wasn't enough to reignite my flame after it faltered a bit with today's snow, I was forwarded several research studies regarding community gardens and couldn't wait to share them.  The results are not necessarily surprising, but good to see anyhow.  One demonstrated that gardening, nutrition and cooking program decreased body mass index (BMI) and weight gain in children and increased dietary fiber intake.  Another study showed that gardening improves self-esteem, increase physical activity and improves diet.  It increases levels of community attachment and sense of community among those involved in it.  European research suggests that those who live close to gardens are three times more likely to be physically active and 40% less likely to be overweight.  These positive effects may be especially applicable to children, which is one more reason that you should get involved and bring the kids.  

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